
Our consulting for maximum performance!

Thanks to the latest technology, you are now able to rethink your IT and use digital change to your advantage. However, the strategic question often arises: how do I use technology and at what levels is human involvement unavoidable at the moment? The key is to focus on your core competencies and make the right decisions for a modern and efficient business landscape. Our IT consulting helps you to set the right work priorities in your day-to-day work and to maximize your company's profits.

Terrera AG


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Maximum efficiency for systems and processes

How do you know when a system is working efficiently and when there is still room for improvement? The correct assessment of your IT is a crucial skill that managers and those responsible in the company should learn. Our goal is to improve your strategic direction and give you the right impulses for a digital future. This creates new potential for both you and your customers to focus on constant growth.

Successful digitization is always a question of the appropriate budget. We are also available to help you with this question and help to ensure that the IT solutions you choose are sustainable and cost-effective at the same time. Our consulting services provide you with active and supportive support, meaning that you retain the power to make decisions at all times. In this respect, operational support ensures an economic assessment in order to steer the development of your company in the right direction. Thanks to many years of experience, we are able to do this.

Continuous optimization in our core areas

Often, IT in a company develops over many years through individual measures that do not always fit together optimally over time. In such cases, it is important to have an independent assessment and to determine how your systems can be aligned in the future. Through our consulting in our three core areas, you can rely on us to fully focus on the strengths of your IT. This means you have an innovative system.


Cyber Security ➺ Process Optimization and Automation ➺

Our Business Strategy Consulting at the highest level

Not only the installation of a new system, but also the associated monitoring and maintenance is a central task for your business. Therefore, with our Business Strategy Consulting, you have the opportunity to also focus on the areas of cyber security and process optimization and to secure your system landscape. A holistic approach tailored to your company is crucial, which is why the following impulses are crucial:

Terrera AG ➺ Identity & Access Management (IAM) ➺ Identity & Access Management (PAM) ➺ Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) ➺ Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) ➺

Operational Consulting in Daily Application

Auch in der täglichen Anwendung werden Sie und Ihr Team immer wieder mit Herausforderungen und Problemen konfrontiert, die Ihre IT aktiv beeinträchtigen können. Daher bieten wir Ihnen mit Terrera AG ein operationales Consulting, bei dem wir Ihnen für zahlreiche Entscheidungen zur Seite stehen. Auch in diesem Bereich haben wir zahlreiche Kompetenzen, die Ihr Zugriffs- und Sicherheitsmanagement im täglichen Betrieb vereinfachen. Werfen Sie hierzu am besten einen Blick auf die folgenden Bereiche:

Ideal for trouble-free IT in the company

Im digitalen Zeitalter ist eine zuverlässige und störungsfreie IT-Infrastruktur das Rückgrat jedes erfolgreichen Unternehmens. Unsere ganzheitlichen Beratungsdienste bei Terrera AG sind darauf ausgerichtet, genau dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Von der Systemintegration über die Implementierung neuester Geschäftsstandards bis hin zur robusten Unternehmenssicherheit: Wir bieten Ihnen einen Service, der Ihre IT-Systeme nicht nur absichert, sondern dabei die nötige Funktionalität sicherstellt.

For future-proof companies, it remains crucial to keep an eye on both the development of new strategies and the security and efficiency of existing IT. This is precisely what we see as our task as a consulting partner, enabling us to provide you with a sustainable system landscape and steady growth. This guarantees that your IT structures will remain efficient and active.

Setzen Sie auf unser Consulting – mit Terrera AG

Sie möchten in Zukunft neue Potenziale erschließen und Ihre Performance optimieren? Mit Terrera AG sind wir als kompetenter Partner an Ihrer Seite und bieten von der Analyse bis hin zur praktischen Lösung ein weitreichendes Portfolio. Eine effiziente und wachsende IT bietet dabei viele Möglichkeiten, um Ihre Zielgruppe besser zu adressieren und um die Genauigkeit Ihrer Arbeit zu verbessern. Kommen Sie daher gerne auf uns zurück und lassen Sie sich hinsichtlich Ihrer IT-Systeme jetzt von Terrera AG beraten.